Throw Baxe League page
Want to join the coolest league around?
Now is your chance
Spring hatchet league starts April 14th for the Sunday league from 5-7 and runs through June 2nd OR April 16th for the Tuesday league from 7-9:30 and runs through June 4th
Now introducing the knife league (WKTL) Monday nights April 15th through June 3rd
Also new is the Big Axe league and Duels league Monday nights April 15th through June 3rd
League fees are $150 for eight weeks of league competition, each league day consists of 4 matches with 10 throws each.
League members receive discounted throwing and practice, the opportunity to compete at local axe tournaments representing Throw Baxe, earn points in WATL's (World Axe Throwing League) Global Leader Board and Build comradery with fellow league members!
All leagues follow WATL (World Axe Throwing League) rules and regulations.
email or call us for information. (910)363-4286
League members in position
And the winner is....
We are a WATL Affiliated Venue! Check them out on their social pages for specific information regarding this organization!
World Axe Throwing League Facebook